
Monday, July 2, 2007

Indeed there are secrets to be a self- made MILLIONAIRE!

Well… first of all, the question you have to ask yourself is - “Why are you not rich yet?”

What has prevented you from getting the wealth you deserve? Well, these are some of the common answers that are usually given;

1)I was born in a poor family
2)I need to support my family
3)I am too young/old
4)I’m not smart enough
5)I have no opportunities
6)I lack the qualifications
7)I have an unsupportive spouse
8)I have no luck
9)The economy has been down
etc, etc, etc…

Now the trouble with all these answers is that you’re blaming someone or something else for the financial situation you’re in right now and that you’ve been a “victim” of circumstance.

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You see, most people go through life with the victim’s mindset and this prevents them from ever changing their financial situation! When they don’t get the results they want, victims tend to give themselves lots of excuses like ‘I’m just unlucky’, ‘ I have no experience’, ‘I’m too old to earn more’, ‘I’m too young to be rich’, ‘I have no capital’, ‘I was born poor’ or ‘I’m not a creative person’.The reason all these are lousy excuses is because we know that there are many examples of people who have created wealth for themselves, despite all these perceived disadvantages.

Victims also tend to blame everyone except themselves. When you ask victims why they are not rich yet they will say something like, ‘my boss won’t give me a raise’, ‘I don’t get any opportunities’, ‘my big family prevents me from saving money’, ‘the stock market caused me to lose everything’. And instead of finding a way to improve and change, victims spend their time complaining but don’t do anything about it.

The trouble is that when you give yourself excuses, blame others and whine, it means that someone else or something else is controlling your life and your (lack of) wealth. Since you believe that it is not your fault, then you are powerless to change it. If you have a victim’s mindset and hold doggedly onto the belief that external forces are controlling your wealth, then any wealth strategies you learn will be of no use!The moment you acknowledge that you create your own fortune (or lack of it), it means that you have given yourself the power to start becoming rich right now.

And when you discover the strategies of wealth creation, you will find that you can make money at any age, with any background, with little or no money and in any economy!DON’T WAIT ANYMORE!!

Click Here!

Adam Khoo is a very respected man. His idealogy is comparable to people like Robert Kiyosaki, Napolean Hill and Donald Trump. It is always good to follow a successful people. Think like them. Follow their attitude and you will be as successful as them.At the end of the course, you will be

1)A wealthier man.
2) powerful leader.
3)Respected man.
4)Most importantly, a HAPPIER man!

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All these are only at a whooping $97. These is a very good bargain as the retail price is going at $527! If you ask me, if this the price to pay to be a millionaire is worth your penny? Yes definitely i would say yes!! Calculate how much is it to get a degree in a university? That’s thousands and thousands of dollar. After paying so much for a degree, you still have to apply for a job. Think about it, it is a waste of time. Time is money. Money is life.

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