
Thursday, August 2, 2007


The acronym OPM (Owe People’s Money) is commonly used nowadays. Everyone knows that OPM is a powerful tool to use when especially when you want to start your own business. Any wealth management books that you’ll ever read will have a topic on OPM or at least they mentioned OPM.

Now, let me take you one step behind. The reason for this is because it is always a good practice if you can find the source. Work backwards! Try to find the source of a problem, word, suggestion and anything. Begin with level one!

Hence, what comes before OPM? LEVERAGE!

When you can create leverage, you can minimize mistakes and increase productivity. In creating your wealth, business, career or whatever it is, you must create leverage! You can only get leverage if you do your research thoroughly and network! Loral Langemeier insist on due diligence. I on the other hand, insist on NETWORKING!

You will never know who you will meet when you network. Networking also has advertising benefit. You can also build credibility when you network. I do not get ideas on wealth management just by reading books; I do a lot of networking! This post is inspired by a new friend of mine! ( thank you by the way)

Success can be possible for anybody! When you network, you get leverage from the people that you meet. Say you are an IT guy who wants to set up your own business; you can get leverage from a guy who knows everything about marketing. This marketing guy gets leverage from his networks that are mainly from the same field or industry as him. It forms a long chain of networking. Just by leveraging your networking and contacts!

Maybe I can start a new acronym;


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